Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Orientering i multiversum. Om konstnärliga framtidsfrågor
Karin Johansson
(2024) Framtidskompasser – en akademisk tankesmedja tar ut riktningarna , p.97-97
Book chapterMusik - en underutnyttjad kraft för bättre hälsa
Karin Johansson, Knut Deppert, Cecilia Holm Wallenberg
Web publicationProcesses of academisation in higher music education: The case of Sweden.
Karin Johansson, Eva Georgii-Hemming
(2021) British Journal of Music Education, 38 p.173-186
Journal articleReflection in higher music education : what, why, wherefore?
Eva Georgii-Hemming, Karin Johansson, Nadia Moberg
(2020) Music Education Research, 22 p.245-256
Journal articleGenom misstag föds poeten i dig : om fel och rätt i språk och musik
Jonas Granfelt, Karin Johansson
(2020) Vetenskapssocietetens skrifter , p.163-170
Book chapterInteraktion och samverkan över disciplingränser inom musikforskning idag
Karin Johansson
(2019) , p.24-24
Conference paper: abstractContemporary Concepts and Practices of Choral Singing
Ursula Geisler, Karin Johansson
(2019) The Oxford Handbook of Singing , p.775-790
Book chapterMusician, Researcher, Entrepreneur? Discourses of Academization in Higher Music Education
Karin Johansson
(2018) Forskning om högre utbildning
Conference paperThe ambiguous space for recognition of doctoral supervision in the fine and performing arts
Åsa Lindberg-Sand, Henrik Frisk, Karin Johansson
Conference paper: abstractArtist or researcher? Tradition or innovation? Challenges for performing musician and arts education in Europe
Eva Georgii-Hemming, Elin Angelo, Stefan Gies, Karin Johansson, Christian Rolle, et al.
(2016) Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook 17, 17 p.279-292
Book chapterTowards a virtuous circle - Third Cycle artistic research in the conservatoire as creative dialogue, critical reflection and discipline development
Karin Johansson, Sara Wilén, Francisca Skoogh, Peter Spissky
Conference - otherTowards a shared image. Supervision in artistic research as acts of collaborative knowledge creation
Karin Johansson
(2015) Acts of creation. Thoughts on artistic research supervision , p.73-89
Book chapterForskare, musiker, lärare - reflektioner kring frizoner, systematik och förförståelse
Karin Johansson
(2015) Knowledge formation in and through music : Festschrift in honor of Cecilia K. Hultberg , p.107-113
Book chapterActs of Creation : Introduction
Henrik Frisk, Karin Johansson, Åsa Lindberg-Sand
(2015) Acts of Creation : Thoughts on artistic research supervision , p.7-18
Book chapterArtistic research in the conservatoire
Karin Johansson, Sara Wilén, Francisca Skoogh, Peter Spissky
Conference - otherExploring and expanding improvisatory knowledge in musical practice
Karin Johansson
Conference - otherChoral Singing. Histories and Practices
BookCollaborative music making and artistic agency
Karin Johansson
(2014) Contemporary Approaches to Activity Theory. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Behavior , p.73-91
Book chapterExploring and expanding improvisatory knowledge in musical practice
Karin Johansson
Conference paper: abstractAtt tänka i musik: ett samtal om ordens möjligheter och begränsningar i samspelet mellan musiker.
Karin Johansson, Stefan Östersjö
(2014) Spår av musik , p.46-59
Book chapterUndergraduate students' ownership of musical learning: obstacles and options in one-to-one teaching
Karin Johansson
(2013) British Journal of Music Education, 30 p.277-295
Journal article(Re)thinking organ improvisation: Revisiting musical practice
Karin Johansson
(2013) (re)thinking improvisation: artistic explorations and conceptual writing.
Book chapterMusical creativity and learning across the individual and the collective
Karin Johansson
(2013) Learning and collective creativity. Activity-theoretical and socio-cultural studies , p.23-39
Book chapterWalking together with music. Teachers' voices on the joys and challenges of Higher Music Education
Karin Johansson
(2013) ForMuLär
BookExperts, entrepreneurs and competence nomads: The skills paradox in higher music education
Karin Johansson
(2012) Music Education Research, 14 p.45-62
Journal articleOrgan improvisation: Edition, extemporization, expansion, and instant composition
Karin Johansson
(2012) Musical imaginations. Multidisciplinary perspectives on creativity, performance, and perception , p.220-232
Book chapterChoir in Focus 2011
BookChoir in Focus 2010
BookCrossing borders: Nordic research in music education in an international perspective.
Conference publicationChoir in Focus
Karin Johansson, Ursula Geisler
(2010) Researching conservatoires. Enquiry, innovation and the development of artistic practice in higher music education , p.70-70
Book chapterChoir in Focus: Challenges and Visions
Ursula Geisler, Karin Johansson
Conference paper: abstractOrgan improvisation : Activity, action and rhetorical practice
Karin Johansson
(2008) Studies in music and music education
DissertationAtt improvisera på orgel – då och nu
Karin Johansson
(2008) Tidig musik: magasinet för musik från medeltid, renässans och barock , p.8-12
Journal articleImprovisera mera? Kritisk diskursanalys och dekonstruktion av texter om orgelimprovisation
Karin Johansson
(2007) Nordisk Pedagogik, 2007 p.172-185
Journal articleCreating learning. A study of organists' interpretation and improvisation
Karin Johansson
Conference paper